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What Clients Can Expect

Projects can vary, but one thing is consistent: expectations. Our clients shouldn't have any confusion about projects. You should expect when work gets done, how things are progressing, and the quality and execution of the work.

Getting Started

We want to understand your business and project needs. We like to start projects with a short questionaire for potential clients that helps us determine your goals, strategy, timeline, and budget. Then we setup a short phone call to follow up and further understand your needs. We want to agree with your business goals. We strategize for success, not just exciting design. (Both are good.)

Quote & Contract

After the phone call we will email our quote. (Sometimes we have enough information to send a quote without the phone call, but it depends on the project.) If the quote is agreeable we send the contract that covers all project deliverables, timeline, and milestones. Once the contract is signed the project can begin.

Project Start

At this point we should have enough information to start, though it's possible that more digging is required to really uncover solutions. Once we understand the core objective/problem at hand we get to work.


Projects come in different shapes and sizes but we try to adhere to a simple process of Understand - Define - Strategize - Design - Build. We believe that design solves problems. We don't ever want to be in a situation where the design aesthetic is disconnected from its objective. We believe that both are needed.

This means that we start with lists, research (if applicable), sketches, posted notes, and wireframes to start to frame solutions and to bring our clients in as partners as soon as possible.

Iterate, review, iterate, review. Let’s create the best thing possible. We expect to take feedback and come back with even better solutions.

If applicable to the project (apps, websites), we also prefer to build clickable prototypes so you don't have to guess at how it works when it gets built. We also work with you to have an applicable review - launch strategy as is laid out in the contract deliverables.


Perfect handoffs, that's how we roll. No matter the project you will have complete expectation for what you are getting. Get all the files and design assets you need. Sites go through extensive review period and don't go live until we have your full approval.

We are also available to monitor and support your site in the following days after launch. Every so often it takes our clients a little while to find something missing.

We are happy to answer any more questions you have or feel free to fill out our project start form. We look forward to working with you